RHDHV just won a SAICE award for  their excellent work on the new road project that runs from Pinetown to the north coast called Main Road P577- The Challenge of KwaDebeka Valley.  Here are some of the details(contained in the video) of this amazing project that we managed to cover from December 2011 until it’s recent completion:

The results of 20 years of planning, design and construction of a vital link in the transport infrastructure of the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport is about to become reality. A new Main Road will link the communities of Inanda, KwaMashu and Ntuzuma to business and job opportunities south of the uMngeni River. Situated inland of the N2, this new road will save travellers 12 kilometers and numerous delays in heavy traffic on their daily journey.

With 10 kms of the project complete, the sternest challenge of all faced the project team as they had to climb up the notorious KwaDabeka Valley in to New Germany and Pinetown.

The road had to preserve the integrity of the valley wetland by hugging the cliff while excavating and rock bolting a shattered rock face. This required ingenuity and determination unlike any job the design and construction teams had encountered before. With conditions varying almost continuously, a variety of rock stabilisation measures had to be developed.

To make the challenge more interesting, soon after the start of the   project, it was amended to include the new Bus Rapid Transit lanes as part of eThekwini Transport Authority’s new Pinetown to Bridge City route.

The project was a challenge to everyone involved and it will be a credit to the clients, consultants and contractors. We trust that the public will enjoy this alpine experience and that one day they will realize the determination it took to build.

This was a good example of a company reaping the rewards of using a professional photography and videography company to cover the project and help them present an awesome visual presentation of their work.

For more exceptional corporate work covered by OD Media go here
