It was a great project to cover the final touches and launch party of this Key Truck Servicing Centre based in Mobeni and on a site expected to cater for the growth point of the lower south coast road basin, a new hub of industrialization.

We had many early mornings and late afternoons to try find the great light we were after to show off this new building and came away with some great imagery.  The launch party was a real celebration of the motoring industry as this new branch will be a servicing only dealership and the clients who were invited owned many fleets of trucks to bring in and get serviced in the future.

The entertainment was a great live band and the multi talented comedian and actor Riaad Moosa as MC really had the crowd in stitches. After the formalities and unveiling of the founding plaque to officially open the site, clients were free to roam and explore guided by the key staff and much socializing and networking ensured a successful event.

