The BRICS Council Annual Meeting 2018 was held at the Durban ICC recently. We were requested to capture the proceedings, focusing (excuse the pun) mainly on a certain part of the Chinese delegation.  I had the shortest and uninformed brief, follow 6 delegates around the conference.  I had not met any of the delegation so they had no idea who I was so everything was a bit awkward and formal at first.  Once I introduced myself and had taken the first group photo we were on our way and everyone was comfortable.  In fact, the delegates loved having their photos taken and kept asking for more and more. Below is a glimpse into the formal meetings, Gala Dinner (which had some outstanding local acts performing and did our province extremely proud) and events that took place over the two days.  Even though there was a tough language barrier, I still got to enjoy the delegates company and got a tiny glimpse into their world.  We wish them all well as they move onto the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg and hope that they enjoyed their stay in Durban.  Thank you Ada for your gracious direction and help throughout.


To get an idea of our coverage on other big corporate events please visit this Blog post.
